Last month in Collier County, Florida, residents of three communities woke up to the news that their rent checks had been stolen. Two men had broken into the deposit boxes where residents could drop off their checks once the community's office had closed, getting away with tens of thousands of dollars.
How does this surprisingly common crime happen? Thieves insert a long, thin wire with a sticky substance on one end to snatch the checks. They then "wash" the stolen checks or money orders, chemically removing the original writing so they can alter the recipient and amount.
If you're still using drop boxes or mail slots to collect checks, here's what you need to know about securing a payment drop box—and protecting your and your residents' money from theft.
Last, consider hiring a property manager to collect payments, communicate with residents, and manage other time-consuming responsibilities. When you're ready to start your search, All Property Management will be here to help.