Discover Our Comprehensive Service Platform
and Eliminate Frustration and Hassles
Since 1999, we've been listening to our clients. Based on their input, we have developed a comprehensive service platform to deliver an all-inclusive list of services they need and want from us.
Our Total Commitment to
Better Service for You!
We are dedicated to attaining the highest professional level of property management services in the industry for our clients. Each employee of Corner Property Management is required to observe high standards of honesty, integrity and responsibility in the conduct of business.
We have adopted these Core Values, which drive our service to our clients:
- We keep our word
- Honesty and excellence mark our actions at all times
- We strive to perform at our best in all that we undertake, and support others to do the same
- We earn our fees by exceeding the expectations of our clients every day
Here is what you can expect as a client of Corner Property Management:
- That your phone call will be answered by a human being and you will speak directly to one of your assigned team members when you call us.
- In the unusual event that you do not reach a team member live when you call, your phone messages and emails will be answered the same day, and that after-hours calls and emails will be returned by 10:30am the following business day. No more waiting days or weeks to get a return call from your property management company.
- You will have your property manager's mobile phone to contact in the case of an after-hours emergency. You will also have our Managing Partner's mobile phone number in the event your property manager is not available. We're available for you when you need us most.
- A service team approach so that you will get to know the individuals on your team... and they will get to know you and your property
- Reduction in the number of delinquent homeowners due to our systematic monitoring and tracking process. If necessary, we also arrange and execute payment plans with delinquent owners.
- Monthly work order status reports. No more chasing your property manager for a status update on work orders. Both Board Members and Residents stay informed to reduce frustration.
- A carefully prepared, comprehensive, written transition plan and checklist to make your experience in changing to Corner Property Management smooth, easy, and professional, while significantly reducing the time you need to spend on the transition to our services.
- Complete, easy-to-read financial reports to the Board. We respect your Board members' time and seek to make their job easier and more pleasant.
- Frequent property site visits. We have found that there is no substitute for site visits to maintain our knowledge and stay current on the condition of your property, evaluate service providers, and be able to anticipate problems. We believe that property managers who operate primarily from their desks are unable to provide a professional level of management to clients.
- Evaluation of repair contractors, maintenance and service companies using our ten-point performance standards process. Our process insures that only competent providers and vendors are used in the maintenance of your property, and that consistent service levels are provided for you.
- Negotiation with contractors, suppliers, and other vendors to assure you that you are receiving the highest level of service at the best possible price.
- Preparation of project specifications by a degreed engineer. Complete and detailed project specifications prepared by an engineer assure you that all bids are based on the same criteria, and that contractors and service providers are informed as to the exact requirements of your projects. This reduces cost overruns resulting from incorrect assumptions by bidding contractors or vendors.
- Access to our online technology platform that enables us to more effectively and efficiently manage your property, and provides greater access to information for homeowners and Board Members. Using this platform, residents may:
- Access their account history and association documents
- View outstanding violations, works orders, vehicle, and service requests, etc.
- Residents can even submit a service request online.
Board Members have the capability to:
- View and approve or deny A/P Invoices
- View archived invoices, work orders, financial statements, etc.
- Store Board documents
- Assistance for your Board of Directors in preparing annual budgets
- Assistance for your accountant in preparing annual reports and other filings
Our Comprehensive Service Platform has been designed and constructed to provide complete property management services, and to remove the frustrations and hassles that many communities endure in dealing with their property manager.