Top 5 Reasons to Work with Beacon Management
Ok, we listed six because there are so many ways that we can have a positive impact on your board and association. Here are just a few.
Anyone who has held a board position within an association understands the burden associated with this role. Many associations are finding the health of their property and finances to be in a less-than-optimal condition due to a lack of proper planning and care. The board members are not to blame. With Beacon Management Services as your management partner, the role of the board is critical, but simple: make decisions. We handle all of the day-to-day work required to keep the association running smoothly.
We've saved two of our larger clients over $300,000 in one year. We negotiated 30% off the insurance premiums for another client. And Beacon actually discovered that one association was paying double for utilities what it should have. By reducing our clients' expenses in areas such as insurance, concierge, janitorial, landscaping and ongoing maintenance we are able to offset some, or all, of our management fees.
We take the issue of property values very seriously - after all, your home or condominium may be your largest asset. After the Great Recession, we developed better ways to serve our customers. It's statistically proven that well-managed communities appreciate more in value than those that do not. We use a 10-Point Challenge to fully examine the energy consumption patterns, proper distribution, and billing practices for all things water, electric, gas and lighting. We also annually benchmark performance on energy, water and waste reduction and report results to BOMA, IREM, and Energy Star.
Why should the operation of your association be any different than a well-run business? One of Beacon Management Services' key objectives has been to help the management industry break out from the dark ages by making productivity a key performance indicator. We think technology is good for business - as well as the environment.
Hire the management company that has your best interest in mind. It starts there. Define for us what you want to become and we will help get you there. Reputation and image are hard to create; being its caretaker is a big responsibility. Trusting your management partner....priceless.
Just ask them. We can give you excellent references for every property we manage. And we put in place written service deliverables that can be measured and accounted for.