$75 Monthly Management Fee
For the $75 per month all-inclusive fee, Showtime Realty's Property Management also delivers a fair market rent value that is monitored constantly to insure the highest return.
Criminal Background Checks
Showtime Realty Property Management's Prospective renters are given an in-depth review, which includes a Criminal Background and Credit Check.
Documents Stored Online
All documents regarding your rental property are stored online and accessible 24/7 for your convenience.
Strong Communication
With Showtime Realty Property Management, Communication is a strong-point, You can rely on a timely response every time.
Professional Evictions
Showtime Realty's "Professional Property Management Tenant Evictions" are handled by "Professional Attorneys" at the expense of the breaching tenant.
Rapid Repairs
Repairs are handled rapidly and we keep licensed contractors ready and available, so you can rest assured you are covered!